DIY || Sugar Body Scrub
1/2 cup of white sugar
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/4 to 1/2 cup of olive oil
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
coffee grounds (optional)
start off by mixing the brown sugar and white sugar together. Once mixed add olive oil (I used 1/4 cup), stir well. Once mixed add vanilla extract (mainly used just to make it smell good:), and stir again. As an option you can add coffee grounds to give it a yummy coffee smell too, I did of course...well because it's coffee, I mean I had to:) And tadaa!!!! You have some pretty awesome body scrub!
(make sure you limit use to about 1 to 2 times a week, it will irritate your skin if used too much)
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Why hello friends! I'm Kelsie and I blog over at Bella Ragazza! I'm a home schooled high school student with a love for coffee and chocolate...seriously coffee and chocolate, it's the best:)! I consider blogging to be one of my hobbies and I play the violin. I like to read, and I hope someday to be able to travel and see the world along with all of it's different cultures and people. I like to try new things and I probably spend too much time on Pinterest. Most importantly, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and I strive to serve Him daily, and live my life for Him. But that's enough about me, come stop by my blog and tell me a little bit about yourself, okay?:)
Thanks again for posting, Kelsie! Seriously guys, go check out//follow her blog, it's completely
(On a side note, go >>here<< to see the winners from the Taste of Spring Giveaway.)
thanks for letting me guest post! :)