Friday, September 23, 2011

Random Stuff

If you have a simple purse, a good idea is to add a little something to style it up. These clip-on flowers are reall cute and you go with just about anything. You can find them at your local arts and crafts store.

These are the shoes I found at Target for 5$, I couldn't pass it up. Ok, they didn't seem quite as high when I tried them on at the store...oh well, I can always just look at them:)

My "Nancy Drew Shoes" I don't know why I call them that but for some reason they just remind me of that.

I love the buisness look that's coming in, the pencil skirt can be found at (guess!) Target.

Red goes really well with blacks and Polka-dots! The red purse helps balance out the shoes.
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  1. Oh, I love that idea with the flowers! I use "our" purse all the time. ;-) Black and white polka dots are officially my favorite pattern.

  2. Mine too! That and black and white damask :)
