I walked outside earlier and the cold(ish) weather made me register something that made me pretty happy, Autumn is here! Or at least almost.
Autumn (I don't know if I should call it Autumn or Fall, so I'm gonna stick with the first) is here and I am so excited! OK, I mean I do know it comes every year but, hey. (Or should I say "hay"...ok, that was bad:)
A few of the many things that make autumn my favorite season:

It's back! The Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks and yes, it is that good.

Sweater dresses,

The sky,
and other things that make autumn special are, leaf piles (actually leaf piles in our back-yard are kinda dangerous...if you don't know what I mean then please don't ask:) pumpkins, pumpkin pie, the crisp weather, apple cider, jeans, the air, and of course, something I'm definitely going to miss this year:

I always took it for granted living there but since we moved to Raleigh I don't get to see THIS anymore!
(If you don't think that's bee-yooutiful then talk to your doctor, k?)
And then of course October is the month I was born so maybe that's another reason I like autumn so much;)
I like the boots on the far left.